How to Track Transactions Effectively with Pipeline Software

The rapid development of information technology and its use in various fields of human activity has led to the fact that in addition to the tasks of transmission, storage, and processing of information there is no less, and in some cases more important task of information protection. There are problems such as illegal use of algorithms that are the intellectual property of the author, unauthorized use, modification, distribution, and sale of software products. This necessitated the use of appropriate pipeline software.

What Is Pipeline Software?

Systems of this type, when software is installed on the user’s personal computer, search for unique features of the computer system, or these unique features are installed by the security system itself. After that, this security module in the software itself is configured to search for and identify these features, which further determine the authorized or unauthorized use of the data room. It is possible to use methods for evaluating the speed and other indicators of the processor, motherboard, additional devices, OS, read/write to non-volatile memory chips, write hidden files, setting up the most used RAM card, etc.

Positive sides of pipeline software:

  • reliable protection against a non-professional attacker;
  • minimal inconvenience to the user;
  • ability to transmit password/code over the network;
  • no conflicts with system and application software and hardware;
  • security;
  • ease of implementation and application;
  • low cost.


  • the low resistance of most protection systems of this type;
  • the user needs to remember the password/code.

The Way of Tracking Effectively with Pipeline Software

There is a revised way of tracking transactions effectively with pipeline software. Setting up conversion tracking in your Google Ads account. When setting up a conversion, select the “Different value for each conversion” option. Here is how to check or change your settings:

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click on the Google Ads Tools icon | tools [Icon] in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. In the Tracking section, select Conversions.
  4. Click on the name of the conversion action you want to change. You will see a list of settings for the conversion action.
  5. Click Change Settings.
  6. Click Value, then select Different value for each conversion. Be sure to include a default value to be used in the absence of another value. Click Save.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Skip to Part 2: “Placing or Changing a Tag in the Site Code”. Placing or changing the tag in the site code
  9. Check if the global tag and event tag is configured correctly on your site. Make sure the code snippet is on the page the user sees after conversion.
  10.  If you are tracking conversions by a page load, the event tag is set on the page that is loaded after the conversion occurs.
  11.  If clicked, then on a page with a link, button, or image, the clicks on which must be registered.

The event tag should dynamically convey the value and currency of the conversion. To do this, you must define the highlighted value and currency parameters at runtime. Be sure to convey the conversion value as a number, using a period as the decimal separator. Transfer the currency in single-quoted string format using ISO 4217 codes.
